
Grapevine bud mite is an important economic pest of grapevines in South Africa, Europe, Russia and Australia. If uncontrolled, losses can be as high as 56%.

Grapevine bud mite

Colonisation of roots by mycorrhizae have numerous benefits.

Mycorrhizae 3

Colonisation of roots by mycorrhizae have numerous benefits.

Mycorrhizae 2

Mycorrhizae are beneficial fungi that colonize plant roots.

Mycorrhizae 1

Bacterial feeding nematodes belonging to the cp-2 class. They have a short life cycle and are indicators of soil enrichment.

Bacteriovores: Plectidae

Bacterial feeding nematodes that will respond to soil enrichment. They are however cp-2 organisms and will respond slower than cp-1 organisms like the Rhabditidae and Diplogasteridae.

Bacteriovores: Cephalobidae

Bacterial feeding nematodes that are described as enrichment opportunists. Similar to the "Rhabditidae", will respond first to enrichment.

Bacteriovores: Diplogasteridae

Not a common nematode but when present, it can cause devastating damage, even at very low numbers . It is very patchy and is usually found in a coarse, sandy soil.

Stubby root nematode